Whimsical Beads, Sculptures and Other Fun Stuff http://www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com http://www.StudioMarcy.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/MarcyLamberson
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Fish From Another Perspective
London artist Dean Zeus Coleman designed this cool fish tank. If something looks a little familiar, (I know, not much does), look at the style of writing. Coleman drew from his street art background. Yeah, now you see it!!
Sadly, these are not in production to be sold, but to me, it must be a heck of a lot more interesting for the fish than a basic tank. What do you think? Like it?
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Ethereal Fish
Isarute Angkatavanich, a Thai photographer took this photo and other wonderful ones of Siamese Fighting Fish. This one looks more angelic than a fighter...but what do I know?
I am back again after a short hiatus from blogging and will be back bringing you fun stuff and a few hijinks. (actually, not much of the latter, but I just like to type that word.)
For your enjoyment, here is one more fighting fish...
I am kind of partial to him, because it looks like he is sticking his tongue out. A figment of my imagination, I'm sure. See you sooner than later!
I am back again after a short hiatus from blogging and will be back bringing you fun stuff and a few hijinks. (actually, not much of the latter, but I just like to type that word.)
For your enjoyment, here is one more fighting fish...
I am kind of partial to him, because it looks like he is sticking his tongue out. A figment of my imagination, I'm sure. See you sooner than later!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Birch Logs
I guess I'm not done with my woodland phase I saw these birch log pillows and am quite smitten with them as well.
Growing up in Connecticut, there were loads of these trees at my grandparents' house. I loved the bark and would make little canoes to float on the water from it. There was something about the pale bark with the black knots that always drew me to it. Maybe it was the contrast that caught my eye?
Well living in the South, I don't see these too often and miss them. And as long as you are reading, I have a funny story to tell.
One of my talented interior designer friends was looking for some birch logs for her show house room design. My brother in law, in Vermont knew of a neighbor's tree that was dead and could cut some. It was winter and he did it anyhow. Well, my husband brought them back and they were installed in the beautiful room. A few days later, all kinds of little bugs crawled out of the thawed logs and created havoc in this expensive place. I guess they had been hibernating in the dead tree. Yikes! Nice how things get more amusing as plenty of time has passed.
So with that firmly in my memory, I really LIKE the pillow logs. Yes, the real thing is preferred, but these are pretty cute too. You can find them here.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
From Little Acorns....
I think all my years in the Rocky Mountains were the root of my love for woodland type furnishings. I make pinecones, leaves and even gnomes out of glass.
Most recently, these sweet little handmade turned tiger maple and walnut acorn boxes caught my eye on etsy. You can find them here. And my other favorite items in this shop are the succulent planters. The patterns and shapes along with the plants make a pretty cool combination.
Most recently, these sweet little handmade turned tiger maple and walnut acorn boxes caught my eye on etsy. You can find them here. And my other favorite items in this shop are the succulent planters. The patterns and shapes along with the plants make a pretty cool combination.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Poke Salad Berries
A few days ago, I walked in to the Hot Times glass retreat in Ashville, NC bearing this vibrant little plant sprig that I had found growing on a large bush wild, by the side of the road. Being among a slew of Southern women, I knew someone could identify it for me.
It took maybe a minute or two. The fuschia branch and spring green pods are a young version of the Poke Berry plant and I was immediately warned about the poisonous berries. And that folks for generations have made poke salad from the greens. (My sources mentioned that they didn't care for the bitter taste either.)
I had limited glass colors with me, but wanted to try to capture this cute little plant. I got out my EDP and made a thin bead on my 1/16th mandrel. Of course it started denitrifying, so I took the chance of striping it with some Rubino and switched to an oxygenated flame to try to keep the color. I had made a small striped encased cane and cute it into small murrine. It was kind of like making barnacles in different colors. I used pea green as a base with dark blue thin stripes. I cased that with a transparent medium blue to tone down the green. I didn't get it exactly, but close for a first try. I love trying to match colors. It reminds me of my days painting watercolors.
So after the stalk was made, I added tall dots and the gently heated murrina on each. Once it set, then I would reheat from below the flame and then poke the center to bring the stripes up. I didn't bring a poke tool, so I used my 1/16th mandrel end. The results weren't as precise as if I had used a sharper point.
Well, I ran out of time, so the branch wasn't finished, but it still enjoyed is quick glass adventure to capture the moment. My sprig is fading, but I will have my glass memory.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Art Shoes...Would Artists Wear These?
These vinyl Arty Party booties by Sophia Webster gave me pause to wonder. Would real painters or artists wear them?
I guess most importantly, these and other wonderfully fun and funky shoes by designer Sophia Webster are carried in stores like Neiman Marcus. And many of my artist friends don't normally splurge quite to that level. (I know, we blow the budget on new tools, cool new colors or supplies!)
So my question is..as an artist or craftsperson, would you wear these? (not buy them, but wear them.) And if you don't fall in those categories, would you wear them?
Looking forward to hearing your response.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sushi Monday...Looks Like Murrine To Me!
Just wanted to share with you. See you again soon.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Owls, Monsters & Ghouls...O.M.G!
I'm back teaching lampwork glass Halloween beads at FlameTree Glass in Roswell, GA on Oct. 19 from 12-4pm. Come join us and have some fun. We'll make three beads and you'll get loads of hints and tips throughout the class. See you there!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Pancakes Any Time of Day
I have to admit, I'm a fan of pancakes. Well, perhaps it's mostly the real maple syrup. So when I saw these pancake beanbags which also have additional pillow pats of butter, I thought someone else might enjoy them too.
Now I think I need to mention that I make glass pancake beads as well. Again, calorie free, which is a good thing.
(please note: this bead appears larger than in real life!) See how I got the syrup to drip down the sides? And a pat of butter too. You can tell how I like them!
If you would like a pancake bead, please email me. They are $27 which includes shipping.
Now I think I need to mention that I make glass pancake beads as well. Again, calorie free, which is a good thing.
(please note: this bead appears larger than in real life!) See how I got the syrup to drip down the sides? And a pat of butter too. You can tell how I like them!
If you would like a pancake bead, please email me. They are $27 which includes shipping.
Monday, August 19, 2013
O.M.G. Owls, Monsters & Ghouls- Join Me For Class
I will be teaching Owls, Monsters & Ghouls at FlameTree Glass in Roswell, GA on Saturday, October 19th from 12-4. Hope you can join me for this seasonal fun sculptural class. Here is the sign up link, and check out FlameTree's other great classes too.
Hope to see you there!
I will be teaching Owls, Monsters & Ghouls at FlameTree Glass in Roswell, GA on Saturday, October 19th from 12-4. Hope you can join me for this seasonal fun sculptural class. Here is the sign up link, and check out FlameTree's other great classes too.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Artists, Want to Try Some Art Shoes for a Good Cause?
I have been chatting with my friends on Facebook and discussing art shoes. Six Zonta Clubs in the Denver area are having an Event, "Empty Shoes" which represents women lost or damaged by gender violence. They are looking for contributing artists.
Before I post their information, I wanted to mention that they aren't necessarily looking for art shoes, but that would be very nice. Any artist has the option to donate any piece of art that they wish. And there are levels of contribution ranging from 100% to 20% going to the Zonta group.
My sister and her two adult daughters are very involved in this awesome non profit. This organization is working toward the goal of ending violence against women and girls. I like that. So here is the full info, along with phone numbers, deadlines and all that other good stuff. Please let me know if you will join me in donating something to this cause.
Before I post their information, I wanted to mention that they aren't necessarily looking for art shoes, but that would be very nice. Any artist has the option to donate any piece of art that they wish. And there are levels of contribution ranging from 100% to 20% going to the Zonta group.
My sister and her two adult daughters are very involved in this awesome non profit. This organization is working toward the goal of ending violence against women and girls. I like that. So here is the full info, along with phone numbers, deadlines and all that other good stuff. Please let me know if you will join me in donating something to this cause.
That email info link for Kristina is right here.
Thanks for considering this. I know any additional help would be wonderful. And anyone who contributes, I would love to have a good photo from you, and a couple paragraphs about you and your business to feature you on my blog, in return for your generosity.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Graceful Mashers
I just bought my second pair of mashers from Graceful Customs on Etsy. Their real name is "Squeeze-Me-Right Mashers", and I think they really do. They are easy on the hands, a great size 1" x 1.5" and very portable and not too heavy.
I gave away my other pair. I didn't want you thinking that my previous ones gave out, or something went wrong. It was just the opposite. I liked them so much, I thought someone else might love them like I do.
My September glass classes are quickly approaching and I wanted to have a new pair to bring with me. I noticed Graceful Customs has other types of mashers and tools. Any of you have some that you'd like to rave about? I have my eye on the Jelveh tiny ones. Looks like I'd enjoy that size as well.
See you soon.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
You Won't Believe What Was waiting For Me
There are days, when you can't help but laugh. This is an actual photo of my mailbox, when I came home.
Now you may wonder, what happened? As did I.
But I would rather hear what you think might have, or should have caused the changes. Entertain all of us please, with your answers.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Who Is Leading Who?
If you want to see one of the cutest short videos of a tiny boy and his dog, watch this one. It makes me smile every time I see it.
If you want to see one of the cutest short videos of a tiny boy and his dog, watch this one. It makes me smile every time I see it.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Whimsical Bracelets!
I am packing up my glass art bracelets for the Gathering in Rochester NY, and thought I'd show you one of my bracelet cuffs that I will have available at the Bazaar. They are all one of a kind and whimsical, of course. I will have my beads as well, some sculptures and new styles.
This morning, I am debating whether to make one of the bracelets with a breakfast theme. Whether it is bacon and eggs or one with pancakes, I am still on the fence. What do you think?
Monday, July 22, 2013
From Alpine WY to Atlanta GA
Goodbye Wyoming, Hello Atlanta.
What a wonderful trip filled with family. From my week in Cheyenne with my Mom and sister, to my days South of Jackson on a ranch for my niece Brooke's wedding and all those crazy Lambersons.
The ranch electricity is run by propane. If you are a glass person like me, you know how we are pretty well versed with it. It was interesting that the little tiny lights in our cabin were run on it and we used a lighter to ignite it. And as we are always cautioned about ventilation, our lights were on very little. I could smell it and that didn't make me relaxed. Our flashlights got a good work out though!.
And daylight was beautiful. We were nestled in a valley with mountains and nature surrounding us. No cell phones or Internet but dozens of hummingbirds. I made it through 4 days of no Facebook or online Scrabble without getting the shakes from withdrawals, but I am happy to be back in Atlanta for a few days. Rochester NY will be my next stop. Looking forward to the International Society of Glass Beadmakers' Gathering.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Could This Mirror Have Started It All?
I have always loved this mirror at my parents' house. It was hung in my childhood bedroom of course after I left. So I get to enjoy it now. I wonder if it had anything to do with my love of glass and my career. Do you know what started you on your career? Would love to hear about it.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunny Western Days
I am enjoying sunny days visiting relatives, the Botanic Gardens and getting a taste of the Rocky Mountains of my youth. It's so different from Atlanta.
I am not sure if I would be as comfortable living in a small town again, but it is really fun for visiting. And I love the large expanse of sky.
If you could, would you wish to change locations and live somewhere else? I would love to know. Catch you later.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Good Hair Day
You know it's going to be a good hair day, when you see a Giant Schnauzer's photo on my blog. This is Clark and he belongs to Adam, who cuts my hair. It sure makes the day nice, when greeted by him and getting fixed up!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Social Goats
Normally, I don't write about goats. Kids perhaps, but not goats. But yesterday, as a surprise gift for our wedding anniversary, we went to The Social Goat Bed and Breakfast in Atlanta.
Yes, they really had goats in the city. Note: Example A. "Tallulah"
And they had Tom Turkeys
And also roosters, who crow waaaaaaY too early on a Saturday morning, chickens and cats. But they also make wonderful subjects for photos.And I also enjoyed some of the surrounding vegetation.
The B&B itself was really nice. We left early this morning to return to the 'burbs for previous appointments. But I'd be happy to return sometime to the city and all the animals.
Hope your 4 th was fun!
See you soon!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Back Massage is Child's Play
What a great idea! A tee shirt with a road or train rails on the back... you get a massage with the wheels. (choose the toys carefully) and your kids or grandkids have a fun little track for their enjoyment. You can find this t-shirt and one for train buffs here.
This reminds me of years ago when my husband would read bed time stories to the kids. Once in a while, the kids would tip toe out of their rooms and tell me, "Shhhh, I got Dad to sleep". That would make me laugh.
Hope this week is filled with family and friends.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Funny Crush
This post is solely for laughs.
When my son was little, he had a crush on a little girl in his pre-school class because she had " soft, blonde hair and a clean face."
I guess I'll never understand how males' brains work. lol.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Southern Belle

Right now, the gardenias are ending their time in the sun. Love their soft, ethereal beauty. Their fragrance is nice too. Funny, I really enjoy the scents from the flowers, but I don't really prefer floral perfume. I am more of a citrus or spice type.
And gearing up for the next display are my blue and purple hydrangeas. The purples are my favorites. Kind of like ink blue in our soft glass palette.
But not all of our trees are ones we want to smell. Outside of our neighborhood, pear trees line the street. Pretty enough in the early Spring, but my kids used to tell me, "the stinky fish trees smell awful when we walk past them on our way home from school."
Do you have a favorite easy to grow plant or tree which smells great? I always am open to adding to my simple backyard.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Etsy Party Today At Cacao. Sounds Like Chocolate Lovers' Heaven
Oh my heavens! Today I'm participating in the Atlanta based Etsy Craft Party for Atlanta where fellow Etsians will be getting together to craft something for the community.
This morning I was checking out the directions and decided to see just what was this "Cacao" place where we are meeting. Boy am I in BIG trouble. Here is the link if you would like to drool too.
It looks heavenly. All these beautifully handmade chocolates will be staring at me, while I will try to stay focused on what we're doing.
Here is the truffle menu. Which ones sound most appealing to you?
This morning I was checking out the directions and decided to see just what was this "Cacao" place where we are meeting. Boy am I in BIG trouble. Here is the link if you would like to drool too.
It looks heavenly. All these beautifully handmade chocolates will be staring at me, while I will try to stay focused on what we're doing.
Here is the truffle menu. Which ones sound most appealing to you?
1. Aztec- An award winning and secret blend of six different chilies and spices.
2. Fig & Balsamic- House made fig preserves, aged balsamic, and Madagascar vanilla.
2. Fig & Balsamic- House made fig preserves, aged balsamic, and Madagascar vanilla.
3. Laphroaig & Ginger- Laphroaig 10-year aged Scotch and candied ginger.
4. Lemon- House made lemon curd and candied lemon peel.
5. Coconut Caramel- Toasted coconut and house made caramel.
6. Bourbon Espresso- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with Bulleit bourbon and Batdorf & Bronson Timbales espresso grounds.
7. Orange Marmalade- House made bitter orange and lime zest marmalade.
8. Raspberry Thyme- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with house made raspberry thyme jam and thyme leaves.
9. Cayenne Pepper Passion Fruit- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with cayenne pepper with a layer of passion fruit pate de fruit.
10. Cinnamon Rum Raisin- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with organic cinnamon oil and dark rum soaked raisins.
11. Lavender Blueberry- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with house made lavender blueberry jam and lavender flowers.
12. Pink Peppercorn Ginger- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with pink peppercorns, candied ginger and powdered ginger.
13. Cola Truffle- Real coca-cola ganache with popping surprises.
14. PB & J- A layer of mayhaw pate de fruit and house made peanut butter.
15. Mint- Pure peppermint and dark chocolate.
16. Pecan Pie- Georgia pecans and rich molasses flavored ganache.
17. 35% Milk- House made milk chocolate.
18. Nougat Torrone- Traditional European style nougat with toasted pistachios.
19. Strawberry Milk- Milk chocolate ganache with a layer of strawberry pate de fruit.
20. Hazelnut- Ground toasted hazelnuts and dark chocolate.
21. Fleur de Sel Milk- Milk chocolate ganache with a touch of sea salt.
22. Pistachio Marzipan- House made toasted pistachio nut paste made in the traditional European style.
23. Pecan Penuche- Local pecan praline enrobed in dark chocolate
4. Lemon- House made lemon curd and candied lemon peel.
5. Coconut Caramel- Toasted coconut and house made caramel.
6. Bourbon Espresso- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with Bulleit bourbon and Batdorf & Bronson Timbales espresso grounds.
7. Orange Marmalade- House made bitter orange and lime zest marmalade.
8. Raspberry Thyme- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with house made raspberry thyme jam and thyme leaves.
9. Cayenne Pepper Passion Fruit- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with cayenne pepper with a layer of passion fruit pate de fruit.
10. Cinnamon Rum Raisin- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with organic cinnamon oil and dark rum soaked raisins.
11. Lavender Blueberry- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with house made lavender blueberry jam and lavender flowers.
12. Pink Peppercorn Ginger- Dark chocolate ganache mixed with pink peppercorns, candied ginger and powdered ginger.
13. Cola Truffle- Real coca-cola ganache with popping surprises.
14. PB & J- A layer of mayhaw pate de fruit and house made peanut butter.
15. Mint- Pure peppermint and dark chocolate.
16. Pecan Pie- Georgia pecans and rich molasses flavored ganache.
17. 35% Milk- House made milk chocolate.
18. Nougat Torrone- Traditional European style nougat with toasted pistachios.
19. Strawberry Milk- Milk chocolate ganache with a layer of strawberry pate de fruit.
20. Hazelnut- Ground toasted hazelnuts and dark chocolate.
21. Fleur de Sel Milk- Milk chocolate ganache with a touch of sea salt.
22. Pistachio Marzipan- House made toasted pistachio nut paste made in the traditional European style.
23. Pecan Penuche- Local pecan praline enrobed in dark chocolate
I will let you know which tasty treat called out to me and what we crafted for Etsy and our community. But for now, I think I'm going for a walk, so the after effects aren't quite so terrible.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Fathers Day for Everyone
Many of us feel a strong connection to our Dads. This is my step dad who meant the world to me. He was kind, patient, fair (important when you're a teenager!) and treated me like a daughter. I miss him so much.
So today and every day, hats off to you Dads out there. Or to your Dad, if you aren't one, or to those of you who aren't a Dad, but help parent or guide someone you care about. The title or biology isn't the most important part. It's how you treat people.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Lights Out...Tornado Warnings
Sing along with me, "it was a rainy night in Georgia"....
Last night was a little eventful, but we were lucky.
Well, the storm that blew through Atlanta last night was full of wind, rain, trees down, tornado sirens and more than enough minor drama to last me for the summer. Our electricity flicked quite a few times and finally went out. I hadn't been in a dark house with no air conditioning at night (yikes!) in quite a while.
I'm glad my phone and iPad were charged, but sad they didn't work too well, as I didn't have a battery operated radio to find out what was going on outside. My cat Zeus and I (and eventually Keith), were in a basement windowless room staying safe.
So when the noise died down, of course we went exploring. Keith needed to charge his phone through his truck, so we went for a drive to see what happened. I caught this sunset on my iPad so you could see how vibrant it was and the cool clouds.
So today, I'll fix up a "Storm Box" that I didn't have together before. I already have a few flashlights, candles and lighters. But I'm going to dig out my old squirt bottle battery operated fans for it, too. And maybe a pack of cards and an unread paperback novel. And a list of things I need to gather up quickly next time...
And one thing I learned last night...showering by candlelight is kind of fun. Think I won't wait for a storm to do that again.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Fontemplating...The Art of Contemplating a New Font
I've been looking at fonts for my new website. I want a nice one for my name. I'm changing the StudioMarcy title to my name, Marcy Lamberson and perhaps adding "glass artist" below it.
And after pouring through hundreds of fonts, these are some of my favorites. I want one that is easy to read, and has a little style at the same time. And although a lot of my work is whimsical, I don't want all the curlicues and cute stuff for my name. I would like versatility and a more stylized font as my art changes over the years. I think that would represent me better in the direction I want to go.
So if you have a favorite, please let me know. Or comments, if you think I'm off base. I'm open to hear your thoughts. See you soon as I'm going through this process of a new website, I think you might enjoy hearing what I'm learning along the way.
And after pouring through hundreds of fonts, these are some of my favorites. I want one that is easy to read, and has a little style at the same time. And although a lot of my work is whimsical, I don't want all the curlicues and cute stuff for my name. I would like versatility and a more stylized font as my art changes over the years. I think that would represent me better in the direction I want to go.
So if you have a favorite, please let me know. Or comments, if you think I'm off base. I'm open to hear your thoughts. See you soon as I'm going through this process of a new website, I think you might enjoy hearing what I'm learning along the way.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Dragonwort or Stink Lily...Not Sure Either Is A Descriptive Name
Last night on a walk with my friend Shannon, we came across this more unusual very large purple projecting plant. Of course there were the jokes, but it made me wonder about it and it's name.
Upon a little research, (can you imagine what I googled?), I found that it has quite a few names, among them Dragonwort and Stink Lily. Here is the leaf which is quite large as well.
If I figured it out correctly, the plant's real name is Dracunculus Vulgaris. The large purple leaf at the base of the spadex has almost a velvety feel to it. (Of course I had to touch it.)
Another interesting fact is that this plant is usually found in the Balkans...like around Crete. So what was it doing in Roswell Georgia?
I dunno. But it was fun to see it in person and you can bet I'm going to go back and check on it in the future. We'll see whether it unfurls a little, changes growth direction or perhaps I need a photo of when it wilts. Yes, probably more elementary school jokes will ensue.
Hope to see you soon. Today, I am looking into the start of migrating my blog over to another server, and changing up my website. It's time to make it one with all and get back to more glass discussion and a little less gardening.
Upon a little research, (can you imagine what I googled?), I found that it has quite a few names, among them Dragonwort and Stink Lily. Here is the leaf which is quite large as well.
If I figured it out correctly, the plant's real name is Dracunculus Vulgaris. The large purple leaf at the base of the spadex has almost a velvety feel to it. (Of course I had to touch it.)
Another interesting fact is that this plant is usually found in the Balkans...like around Crete. So what was it doing in Roswell Georgia?
I dunno. But it was fun to see it in person and you can bet I'm going to go back and check on it in the future. We'll see whether it unfurls a little, changes growth direction or perhaps I need a photo of when it wilts. Yes, probably more elementary school jokes will ensue.
Hope to see you soon. Today, I am looking into the start of migrating my blog over to another server, and changing up my website. It's time to make it one with all and get back to more glass discussion and a little less gardening.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Join Me For Flametree Glass Class Saturday, June 8th!
I'm teaching a quick lampwork glass Shell and Starfish Class on Saturday June 8th, from noon until 2pm. I'll be at Flametree Glass in Roswell, GA. It's a lovely studio.
Here is the link for my beachy glass class. I really hope you can come join me for the fun! And bring your questions for other sculptural soft glass. If there is time, I'm very happy to answer them.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sleepless in Apalachicola
Remember that movie, Sleepless in Seattle, where Tom Hanks lives on a houseboat? Did that ever make you wish to live on one too? I've always liked the idea. While on our Birthday/Memorial Day beach trip, I found two houseboats- side by side that are for sale in Apalachicola, FL. This cute town is mostly known for its oysters and it has a sweet, laid back funky charm as well as lots of older homes, some cute shops and nice people.
I need to mention that these floating homes are tiny. And I have no idea whether they have any of the typical "house" things in them like kitchens, bathrooms, etc., as they are currently offices.
But two for sale, side by side! What fun! This is just a dream for me, but a fun one. I've always loved the water and actually living on it part time, would be a blast. But I'm posting them up here for you, because in case you have a hankering for the floating life, I'm happy if my friends snap them up instead of me just dreaming about them.
Hope your weekend was a blast. Mine was sunny with a plethora of white sandy beaches and all the seafood I could eat. Two thumbs up!
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
He Came With The Couch
Last week, my friend Kim was visiting from Colorado. She's a new Grandmom, and of course, shopping for her little treasure was a top priority. While we were out, we came across this children's book which tickled our funny bones. We laughed throughout the story and of course bought it.
And not having grandchildren, but still being a connoisseur of kids' books, I went to Amazon and snapped up a used copy, for a song (plus shipping).
If you have a little person in your life and are in the market for a lighthearted story with cute illustrations, please consider this book.
This little blue item who came with the couch, and wouldn't go away, proved his worth in the end. I always like "happily ever afters". 'Nuff said.
Two thumbs up...if I had more, they'd be counted too.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Oh Heavens!
Let me start with the disclaimer, I love my son. And I love his sense of humor. But a mooning gnome for Mothers Day that he thinks I should put in the yard? Now I love gnomes as many of you know. And here is the kicker, I have even made a glass mooning gnome. (Thank you Kevin for buying it). And now I am wondering...have I turned into a fuddy duddy in my old age? It scares me a bit. This is the tamer one of the two gnomes that he gave me. I told him to surprise me, and he sure did. Last year he found 3' tall pink flamingos for the yard. I think if he gave me something like flowers, I'd be looking for the one that squirts me when least expecting it.
So now, every few days, I text him a photo of the gnome in different places. And I stop to think how it makes me smile each time I find a silly place for it to send to him. And I am thankful for all the little things in life and having a son who thinks of me on Mothers Day and loves me.
Friday, May 10, 2013
In The Atlanta Area This Weekend? This Is Where You Will Find Me.
Come see me and my colorful glass (& my new fun flower wreaths too- who knew they would come back into style?) at the Dunwoody Arts Festival and here are the specific details.
I will have some creative charms and bracelets made from metals and my sculptural glass. Also, sun catchers, one of a kind utensils and more jewelry (have you seen my adjustable statement rings?). I have added earrings this year in honor of Mother's Day. A new pair is always a great present.
Hope to see you there. Rain or Shine. Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 11-5.
I will have some creative charms and bracelets made from metals and my sculptural glass. Also, sun catchers, one of a kind utensils and more jewelry (have you seen my adjustable statement rings?). I have added earrings this year in honor of Mother's Day. A new pair is always a great present.
Hope to see you there. Rain or Shine. Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 11-5.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
2 New Jewelry Micro Trends
Micro trend #1- Mid Finger rings. What do you think, thumbs up or down on it? And please wear mid finger rings on those thumbs while voting. This is good for our handmade artisan friends, so I vote thumbs up.
Micro Trend #2- Statement Earrings. I will ask for a vote in a minute, but just wanted to make a quick comment... This could be awesome, but if you are making statement earrings, think of how heavy they are. I know when I make glass earrings, I can get more show from a larger piece if it is flattened and the light can hit it. Keep 'em lightweight, and they get a thumbs up from me. What do you think?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Making Over My Beaded Silk Dress
It's heavy- both with beads and with the lined silk fabric. Just gorgeous. The label says, "Victoria Royal Ltd" made in British Crown Colony, Hong Kong and the other label reads, "Wolf Brothers" Florida.
Here is a close up of the bead work
I am taking suggestions as to what to do with it. It is missing a few beads and not in perfect condition, but gorgeous none the less. Although it says size 12, I'd guess it's closer to a modern day 8-ish.
I was wondering what it might be like turned into a handbag or something else. Do you have ideas? I would hate to waste all that intricate beading. It's just so pretty.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Incredibly Tacky
Luckily, this title is referring to the name of the adhesive I'm using on my latest project and not my incredibly joyful pendant lampshade. I wish I could as easily include the same intriguing details in my whimsical glass beads and sculptures.
Still debating how many more patterns, trims and colors to add before the whole thing reaches saturation level, but I am not there yet.
So creative friends, (and I know you are the ones who read my blog), here is my question for you..after I am done, should I give an all over vintage feel to this project with a golden varnish, or leave it with the clearer, bright colors? What would you do?
Still debating how many more patterns, trims and colors to add before the whole thing reaches saturation level, but I am not there yet.
So creative friends, (and I know you are the ones who read my blog), here is my question for you..after I am done, should I give an all over vintage feel to this project with a golden varnish, or leave it with the clearer, bright colors? What would you do?
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Angelic Palette Knife
Okay, admitting that I really enjoy some of the adult paint by number while drinking wine type classes. I found a studio that combines pieces and techniques that I would enjoy and a delightful owner/teacher. I know there is nothing to it and that it isn't high art, but the amusement quotient is very high for me. It is called Just Giggles and is in Milton, GA.
Here is last night's piece. We used a palette knife for about 95% of it. It's kind of awkward on my non dominant side and one of the solutions is to turn your painting upside down. Funny! Luckily my glass work has made me kind of comfortable using both hands, so sometimes, I just switch.
And you know when working in glass how adding more glass is sometimes a little tough when your base is too warm? Well with these acrylics, adding more paint on top of a thick, wet base is just as hard. This part cracks me up, we use a hair dryer to make it work. I found it amusing using a blow dryer on the angel's hair, so I could add more colors to it. (The girl got highlights and low lights, just like mine!)
Some of the techniques I learned last night included mixing skin tones, blending multiple shades as you work up and down the canvas, pulling in nearby color, and a touch of shading. Not bad for two hours of fun.
And my final step is putting it up for sale. I have had good luck selling my pieces from these classes and once that happens, I sign up for another one.
Happy Thursday to you.
Here is last night's piece. We used a palette knife for about 95% of it. It's kind of awkward on my non dominant side and one of the solutions is to turn your painting upside down. Funny! Luckily my glass work has made me kind of comfortable using both hands, so sometimes, I just switch.
And you know when working in glass how adding more glass is sometimes a little tough when your base is too warm? Well with these acrylics, adding more paint on top of a thick, wet base is just as hard. This part cracks me up, we use a hair dryer to make it work. I found it amusing using a blow dryer on the angel's hair, so I could add more colors to it. (The girl got highlights and low lights, just like mine!)
Some of the techniques I learned last night included mixing skin tones, blending multiple shades as you work up and down the canvas, pulling in nearby color, and a touch of shading. Not bad for two hours of fun.
And my final step is putting it up for sale. I have had good luck selling my pieces from these classes and once that happens, I sign up for another one.
Happy Thursday to you.
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