Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ethereal Fish

Isarute Angkatavanich, a Thai photographer took this photo and other wonderful ones of Siamese Fighting Fish.  This one looks more angelic than a fighter...but what do I know?

I am back again after a short hiatus from blogging and will be back bringing you fun stuff and a few hijinks.  (actually, not much of the latter, but I just like to type that word.)

For your enjoyment, here is one more fighting fish...
I am kind of partial to him, because it looks like he is sticking his tongue out.  A figment of my imagination, I'm sure.  See you sooner than later!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaa! I'm sorry, that last fish/comment is a crack up to me because I have a cousin who lost most of her tongue to due throat cancer. They replaced it with skin from her forearm but told her she'd never be able to speak again, it would just be a fleshy lump. Never tell anyone in my family (either side) what they can't do! She speaks just fine and you can clearly understand her. We told her to make a face for a picture and she made one that looked like that fish. When we asked what she was doing, she said "I'm sticking my tongue out at you!" (bahahahahaa!)


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