Saturday, February 14, 2009

Who Loves Ya Baby

Happy Valentines Day

Selling on Etsy and curious to know a little more information about who loves your shop and indvidual items?
Maybe you'd even like to track what time of day they are adding hearts to your favorite offerings?

And for people who love to snoop, you can even check out how many hearts your competitors have and whether the person "hearting" the item has an Etsy shop or not. Wow, that's a lot of info.

Pop on over to Craft Cult's website for their Heartomatic. It's easy to just type in the shop's name or their etsy number. Voila, instant stats.

Now how do we use this information? I would perhaps look to see whether any of this coincided with when I list my items, or perhaps if I was on Front Page in a Treasury. The Front Page is a seller's dream with so many more views of our items. Or perhaps you have a competitor who sells something similar to what you offer? You can compare their hearts to yours. (And either feel great, or perhaps ramp up your advertising and promotion.)

If you want to be a Sherlock the old fashioned way, just stop by my shop and click on individual beads. And if you're feeling generous, send me a Valentines Day present by hearting a few of my glass characters. Give me a little sugar baby and share the love.

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