Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Home Town In The News

Perhaps you've seen the news reports about the flooding in Georgia. Well my friends, living in the middle of it, I have to say, was pretty amazing.

I love water and always thought I wanted to live on a lake. However, I never really planned for that lake to be in the middle of my street.

This is one house down from mine, and we escaped a lot of the harm that other areas experienced. We were lucky. My thanks to Anita for sending out this photo.

I only had one not-so-good experience. I went outside in the driving rain to take a photo of the water rushing downhill from my backyard. It was awesome and they were great shots until I dropped my camera into the stream of water. The camera opened up and the camera card flew out and got quickly swept away. I'm not sure whether the camera will work or not. I was so lucky with that minor mishap compared to others.

So if you don't mind, take a sec., count your blessings and today find at least one little thing to do for others. I know that's topping my list. Somehow, I still believe that karma can be a good thing.

See you tomorrow for some uber cool, very modern accessories.


  1. I've been wondering about you and all this mess....your sweet city is in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!!!

  2. Marcy, my heart goes out to you and yours. I've been through a flood like that, too. You really learn to appreciate the small things, like a dry place to sleep. I'm glad you're safe.

  3. Wow, Marcy, I'm so glad you made out okay. Dan & I were worried about you.


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