Friday, March 19, 2010

Entertaining New Didymiums

Well, I got these cool new didymiums through Blue Moon Glassworks. They have sturdy tortoise style shell frames and are lightweight. I like the size of the frame too. It doesn't overwhelm your face, but protects it well.

Instead of using my stick on magnifiers, I opted for the clip ons, which I thought would work. In all honesty, I'm still getting used to them. They weigh a little more than the stick ons, but aren't too heavy, just different.

Have you seen the clip ons when they're flipped up? I couldn't help but notice that if you flip them all the way up, they make you look like you have a butterfly face. See what I mean? The magnifiers look like antennae.
And if you drop down the glasses to the end of your nose, you can look like you have a handlebar mustache and wire rim glasses.

I'll try to be more serious in my next blog post. But until then, go out and have a little fun. I promise, the laughter is good for you.
See you tomorrow, right here


  1. Oh Marcy! Forget being serious! You started my day with a smile and I thank you for that. I've been wanting new diddy's for a while now, and this post makes me want to get them like yesterday. Have a great weekend!

  2. Marcy, what a riot! I love the way you can see a butterfly in the glasses! You are a hoot!


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