Geez, I'm getting old and about to get older really soon. Like in a week. And it's getting easier to answer my kids what it was like when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. As I become older and wiser, I find that I need less, (well, to be honest, except for glass, tools and other flamework stuff like that.)
But one of my two wishes this year is to help raise funds for the non profit,
Beads of Courage. It's hard not to love this group. They are growing like gangbusters, helping really sick kids and families deal with crummy illnesses and bringing smiles to their faces. The beads represent milestones of courage and help tell the kids' stories.
I've been asking my facebook friends to donate by
clicking here. Or on their website, you can
donate here, (and please tell them that I sent you!) In return, I will draw two donor names out of a hat and they will receive something very special from me. If you donate directly to the BOC website instead of through facebook, be sure to let me know, so I am sure to add you to the hat.
I know it's a lot to ask in this economy. But making a difference in people's lives will bring you more joy than an inexpensive dinner out- and it will fill you up in a totally different, non-caloric way.
I'll tell you my second Birthday wish in a few days and don't worry, it's just good stuff and I'm not asking you to do anything. You can just join me in the big smile it brings.
See you tomorrow. We'll talk glass and creativity...promise.