Whimsical Beads, Sculptures and Other Fun Stuff http://www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com http://www.StudioMarcy.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/MarcyLamberson
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sara Gallo Jewelry
Looks like pretty fancy jewelry, doesn't it? But look again. Sara Gallo makes jewelry from re-purposed Barbie doll shoes. I think they are brilliant. It's the kind of fun jewelry that makes you do a double take.
Now Sara also makes lovely metal jewelry that is non-doll. Check out her website here.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
A Little Sssscary
I have to admit, I'm a bit of a... no wait a minute, a lot of a wuss when it comes to sssssnakes. I just get the shudders.
So as I was pulling out of my driveway yesterday, I glanced down from my mailbox and saw this. And being the fraidy cat that I am, ( I do know it's not alive anymore), I am hoping that some dog, small human boy or other interested party comes by and relieves the front of my yard, of this fabulously interesting piece of remains.
I know, under the right circumstances, it could be interesting. but until it is properly placed somewhere, where I feel 100% safe, I will not want to look too closely. Although I have a feeling the reticulation would be fascinating up close.
If you happen to know what kind of snake it is, please post. (And Beth, I believe you are a fan of snakes, I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you or anyone else who might take offense.)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I am trying out a new app, that is supposed to help with scheduling- facebook, twitter and also linkedin.
I am always looking for something that simplifies my life and makes getting the word out a bit easier. So if you want to join, please let me give you a link, so you can add me in too. You do build networks on this, but it seems the main intent is simplifying life. And I think we all could use a bit of that.
Let me know what you think...I always invite comments.
I am always looking for something that simplifies my life and makes getting the word out a bit easier. So if you want to join, please let me give you a link, so you can add me in too. You do build networks on this, but it seems the main intent is simplifying life. And I think we all could use a bit of that.
Let me know what you think...I always invite comments.
Monday, May 28, 2012
5-Jar Chandelier
I saw this 5-Jar Chandelier on west elm's website. My son showed this site to me, which must be connected to Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma. But after that digression, I have to say, I really like this light set. If you do too, you can find it here.
And for you fellow blown glass lovers, there is another cool set here. Looks like redoing my kitchen might be more fun than I thought!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Hope your Memorial Day weekend is relaxing. Zeus here gets some extra points for chilling most of the day!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Plant Managers Available
I am getting together my Plant Manager stock to sell. Here is a shot of half of them. These are the bulbs or globes that you fill with water and push into your houseplant to keep it watered, when you are either busy, out of town, or have a brown thumb like I do. (Actually, I am proud to say, my brown thumb has turned khaki, since I started making them. My plants are surviving now.
If you are interested in some, please shoot me an email. I have this super cool sticky bubble wrap that makes sending them really easy via priority mail. They are $14 each plus priority mail shipping. One box can fit up to 4.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Happy Birthday to Me!
Yeah, I'm tooting my own horn. It's my birthday. And as my kids ask me, "Mom, what was it like growing up with the dinosaurs?" Well, I decided to have one of my buddies help me celebrate.
One of my dear friends is visiting and after a lunch with my Muddy Buddy friends, we'll have some more fun and then hit the Atlanta Food Trucks tonight.
If you'd like to help me celebrate, would you please consider a donation to Beads of Courage? Either a financial donation or glass bead to my fellow beadmakers.
I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully ...
One of my dear friends is visiting and after a lunch with my Muddy Buddy friends, we'll have some more fun and then hit the Atlanta Food Trucks tonight.
If you'd like to help me celebrate, would you please consider a donation to Beads of Courage? Either a financial donation or glass bead to my fellow beadmakers.
I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully ...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Yabba Dabba Doo!
Yabba Dabba Doo...when others were making a beeline to the Grand Canyon, our family stopped at Bedrock in AZ to take cheesy photos. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun in this run down, decaying old tourist trap.
Here are a few more photos from this must see site...
And well, I couldn't leave you hanging. We did make it to the Grand Canyon eventually.
As awe inspiring as it is, I kept thinking all of our stops around it kind of looked the same. And it might have been partially that I'm scared of heights and wouldn't get too close to the edge.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Pink Sushi For the Ladies
This is apple shrimp sushi that we had a few weeks ago and yes, the exterior is pink. The chef made these to appeal to the ladies and it was really pretty in person. I have never seen pink sushi before, and was wondering, have any of you?
Monday, May 21, 2012
Rainy Day Tent Roof Support
Two weekends ago, we had a lot of rain for our outdoor art show in Atlanta. There were a lot of soaked tents and damp feet.
I had posted on facebook about the upcoming rain, and my friend Susan Lambert sent me this link for supporting a pointed roof canopy in the rain by Richard Siegel
Thought I would share with you, and clue you in, that Susan suggests small hoola hoops to achieve a similar effect. Good luck and stay dry!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Enchantingly Cute
I have so been enjoying the art of Terra Bidlespacher who is White Stag on Etsy. Her cute with a slight edge art makes me smile each time I see it. This is her Goth Gnome Fairy who appears to have plenty to contend with.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Wave If You Like This Pendant
I recently spotted this wave pendant on Etsy. I love the curves and swirls in its design. Having grown up on the water, it speaks to me, the way ocean items do.
It's by MartyMagic and you can find it here.
In case my husband happens to be reading this, ..hint, hint...my birthday is coming up really soon.. :)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Do You Doodle?
Do you belong to an online group or organization who needs to schedule a get together or a time to chat? It can be tough waiting for emails from each person and finding dates and times.
I recently heard about this free website and think it works well.
http://www.doodle.com/ You can set up a list of available dates and times as a poll, use your email list and spend less time agreeing to your meeting. Check it out.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Pismo Fine Art Glass
May is known for a lot of things. It's the Merry Month, May Day, Mothers' Day (and my birthday too!). But if you are a glass art bead lover, it's also the month which Pismo Fine Art Glass in Denver has their annual Bead Invitational.
This is my second year of being a part of it. And it's an honor to be invited. A lot of my friends show in it too and I am so happy to be among them.
I'm showing one of my Beach necklaces here. Last year I sent Bobbleheads to show and this year, after being sick a long time, it seemed like Beach and Ocean related beads needed to come out of my hands. I think I was dreaming of a warm, sunny vacation. If you look in their Bead Section under my name, Marcy Lamberson, you'll see my sea horses and a fish on my new colorful and detailed bead stands. I really like those a lot too!
So stop by Pismo Fine Art Glass in Cherry Creek for some amazing glass bead art during the month of May. You can also see the work on the website here.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Close Call
We were driving through my son's new neighborhood checking out the local park and getting oriented when we looped back and saw this. We had just driven exactly where it fell, less than 5 minutes earlier.
The tree took out the power and a few other things. It was one of those thought provoking moments where you stop and thank whoever up there is looking out for you and your family.
Mother Nature, you wield a big stick!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Post Mothers' Day Musing
I am always interested in seeing what is advertised as "great gifts for Mothers' Day" and this one caught my eye.
Apparently, Uncommon Goods thinks that Moms might need Himalayan Salt Tequila Shot Glasses. You know, there are days in which they have been very correct.
It does make me smile thinking about it though. And just in case you didn't receive a present and need this one, you can find it here.
Apparently, Uncommon Goods thinks that Moms might need Himalayan Salt Tequila Shot Glasses. You know, there are days in which they have been very correct.
It does make me smile thinking about it though. And just in case you didn't receive a present and need this one, you can find it here.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day - I know not all of you are Moms who read my blog, but I bet you have one, possibly nurture others or pets, or just are a down right nice person.
Here is a sweet bouquet that my favorite son, Grant gave me. (Okay, he's my only son, but still my favorite) I thought that was so sweet of him.
I'm at the Dunwoody Arts Festival, if you are local. Please come and see me between 11-6. I'm across from CVS in Dunwoody and it's the colorful booth with all the blown glass ornaments and lots of other glass too!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Feeling Light Headed
Atlanta based artists Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry have been catching some well deserved recognition of their white paper wigs that they have been creating.
Pop over here to read about fashion houses hiring them to do very upscale projects.
Being from Atlanta, I will now be on the lookout for any local exhibitions of their work. I love this stuff!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
This Might Be Your Taste in Art
In my quest for only high brow art, I bring you Kristen Cumings' Mona Lisa made from thousands of jelly beans. Like maybe between 8,000 - 12,000?
Which makes me wonder which brands she prefers and why. I think she did a wonderful job and if you want to see more of her work, like her take on Girl With a Pearl Earring, visit her website here.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Confiscated Art Medium
You know how airport TSA employees are always confiscating scissors at the security checkpoint? Well, artist Christopher Locke, has found a way to use them.
He creates spiders out of disassembled scissors and welds the pieces back together to make somethng special. I love seeing the creativity and thinking about the medium used.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Visiting Amy Sims Designs
I have been fortunate that Amy Sims moved to Atlanta from Ohio. We had been online friends, so what fun to find out she moved 5 minutes away from me.
She had a show last weekend, so I popped by to see her and her booth set up, as that is a constant topic between us. She is teaching me a lot! We discuss not only bead techniques, but the business of selling them. (notice the raised trays on the right side of the photo. I am envious of those lucite risers. I love them!!)
Amy makes lovely beads. Lots of big hole ones that are beautifully rendered, and jewelry. I really like her bracelets especially, but could wear anything she makes. It's all pretty.
You can find her work here...and here.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Tiki Time!
All households do things differently and mine is no different. We celebrate occasions as we choose and Saturday night happened to be a partial Mothers Day for me. I'm selling at the Dunwoody Arts Festival on Mothers Day weekend, so my son suggested that the weekend prior would be a good idea.
And being a rather non traditional family, I chose Trader Vic's in Atlanta for my restaurant of choice. You see, way back, (about the time dinosaurs lived), I used to go the one in NYC with my Dad as a treat. I have great memories from how magical it felt as a little and credit it to my enjoyment of a good drink in a coconut with a colorful paper umbrella.
I found that the Atlanta one was different, but fun. The magic was still there though. One of the big reasons I chose it, is because my adult son, Grant, loves anything tiki. And that is the place for it. His eyes lit up when we walked in and it was a blast watching him have a good time. From the tiki decor to the music and of course these old school wood fired ovens, the charm was still there, but different.
Hope you had as nice a weekend as I did. See you tomorrow!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Post Cinco de Mayo Wrap UP
I know for many people, Cinco de Mayo is an excuse to drink a few more margaritas and eat Mexican food. (not guilty this year, but look out 2013!)
But I wanted to bring to your attention, a fashion statement that is currently popular in northern Mexico. They are called guarachero boots and personally, I love seeing them!
They look like something Dr. Seuss would have invented, had he written books that needed a cowboy in it or perhaps one of his creatures who needed to rock or ski leaning forward. I do wish they would embellish the tips more, don't you?
I haven't seen them up close and in person, but know I would be staring if I did and of course asking questions. But to me, it's high time men got the opportunity to wear shoes that are out there. It shouldn't be all up to women.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Color Mixing Glass
Perhaps it's my old watercolor painting influence, but I love custom mixing colors in glass. Whether it's actually mixing the two together, or layering transparents over opaques, it's always fun to see if I can get an exact shade that I am seeking.
I mingle Vetrofond, Effetre, CiM and even some Devardi into my mixes. Some play together better than others. It doesn't seem to depend on the brand, but more the actual specific glass color.
And since I do this so freely, I also am teaching a class on color mixing. My first class was in Austin at Blue Moon. It was designed for non torch users- like mosaicists and fusers who could translate it into use for their specific projects. But I was surprised at the number of flameworkers who signed up too.
Just wanted to show you a few and ask you, if you mix glass colors or layer, what are some of your favorite combinations?
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Shopping with Amy
I had a great time shopping with Amy the other day. We went to the fabric/craft store to look for fabrics for her selling tent. It was fun comparing and discussing the different hues and how they would go with her current and future displays. (and I wouldn't feel right taking a photo of her new stuff, because, well, it's her news to share, not mine.)
But while we were poking around, this darling face was staring at me. I snapped a quick phone show and he will be a bead, I promise. What a cutie pie.
We also went to World Market- which is one of my favorite stores. You would never know I have lived in suburbia most of my life the way I am drawn to the exotic furniture and crafts. I keep think how much I'd love to have an unlimited budget to redo a room in that style... or maybe just add some major accents.
And of course we "did lunch" afterward. A cute little tucked away french restaurant before heading home to rejoin the real world, darn it. But I did.
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Going Wayback Machine on Lampwork Etc by Heart-Fire
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I was going back through old tutorials to see what I could learn. In some cases, the poster pointed people to links on their websites. Sometimes those links no longer worked because the websites no longer existed.
I was able to find some of them by using the Internet Archive otherwise known as the Wayback Machine. To use: 1. Copy the link address (URL) from the tutorial article in Lampwork Etc. 2. Go to http://www.archive.org/web/web.php 3. Paste the address into the website and search 4. If the site had captured the tutorial, you may be given a option of a calendar with different circles indicating capture days. I usually just pick one randomly. If the whole URL doesn't work, sometimes I try searching for the base address. For example, say http://www.mysite.org/tutorials/tutorial.html doesn't work. You could try http://www.mysite.org/tutorials/ orhttp://www.mysite.org/ to see if you can pick up on that person's tutorial section Using Google. Another way is to capture the name of the tutorial and then google it. Sometimes the original poster may have changed their web host and may have transferred their files to a different URL. This method can sometimes find those situations. Let's say you're looking for the following tutorial: http://www.mysite.org/tutorials/tutorial.html 1. Copy the link address (URL) from the tutorial article in Lampwork Etc. 2. Go to Google.com 3. Paste the name of the actual file, in this case "tutorial.html" (Yes, use the quotation marks to get Google to search for the exact file name) 4. Check out the results and maybe you got lucky! Hope this helps Oh, PS...While this works for webpages,I haven't found any way to find videos that had been on YouTube at one time but had since been removed. |
Heart-Fire on LE gave me permission to repost this gem of a post. I thought it was very cool and wow, it sounds so smart. Anyhow, if you are looking for old tutorials or links...try this method out and see how it works. And let me know what you find!
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