Friday, February 10, 2012

Blues Name

I saw this on Facebook. (How many times have you heard that one?)  Anyway, it was mildly amusing and perfect for a Friday afternoon when you're ready for the work week to slow down.

So what is your blues name?  I'm "Jailhouse Killer Parker" which cracks me up.  I'm about as far from a jailhouse or killing as you can get.  So of course, it's perfect

I'm waiting to hear some good ones.  So post 'em here and let's see how funny you can get.

See you on Sunday.


  1. I'm Jailhouse Lips Bradley - so let's have a date in the prison ;0) Thanks for the smile! Have a nice weekend, Michi

  2. I'm Jailhouse Bones Rivers! Does it fit?


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