Whimsical Beads, Sculptures and Other Fun Stuff http://www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com http://www.StudioMarcy.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/MarcyLamberson
Flameworking | ||
1. Bernd Weinmeyer | Austria | www.weinmayer.at |
2. Akihiro Ohkama | Japan | www.glassstudio-hand.com |
3. Milon Townsend | Rochester,NY | www.milontownsend.com |
4. Nathan Purcell | Philadelphia, PA | www.phillyglassworks.com |
5. Bandhu Scott Dunham | Prescott, AZ | www.salusaglassworks.com |
6. Scott Deppe | Bellingham,WA | www.nebulaglass.com/other/9704.htm |
7. Christian Luginger | Austin, TX | flame-one.com |
8. Marc Vandenburg | Detroit, MI | www.marcvandenberg.com/torch.htm |
9. Doni Hatz | Cincinnati, OH | carlisleschoolofglassart.com/WallofFame-DoniHatz.htm |
10.Hans Godo Frabel | Atlanta, GA | www.frabel.com |
11.Loren Stump | Sacramento, CA | www.stumpchuck.com |
12.Brian Kerkvliet | Bellingham, WA | www.inspirationfarm.com |
13. Karl Ittig | Germany | www.glashaus-wertheim.de |
14. Darby Holm | Grant's Pass, OR | dcglass@charter.net |
15. Devin Somerville | Milwaukee, WI | Devin@Somervilleglass.com |
Furnace | ||
1. Buttereaters | Seattle, WA | |
2. Michael Angelo Menconi | Chicago, IL | www.michaelangelomenconi.com |
3. Peter Bowles | Australia | www.glassmanifesto.com/about.php |
4. Einar and Jaimex DeLaTorres | Mexico | www.delatorrebros.com |
This is one of China’s major herbal medicines for burns, so much so that it is used for serious third degree burns in hospitals. As a product, it is recommended as a topical first aid for first and second degree burns. It reduces the blistering and pain of a burn, promotes tissue regeneration, and prevents scarring. Burns should be covered to protect the ointment form being wiped off. For serious burns, the ointment is put on, covered with gauze, and then wiped off with dead skin every 24 hours until healing is complete. *
Now I'm not a MD, nor am I an expert, but I am someone who has seen my share of burns. It runs $2.50 for a small tube and that's my kind of pricing. You can get larger quantities of it also. Just wanted to share this nugget of good information. And of course my wish for you is that you never need to use it.
Hope you have a happy weekend and please stay safe.