But that's just secondary to what I wanted to tell you about.
It's the International Hot Glass Invitational that I want you to attend. This is an "omigod- bring your camera" super fabulous room full of glass wizards all in one place, which is part of the Glass Craft show.
"The International Hot Glass Invitational will be held in conjunction with the 15th annual Glass Craft & Bead Expo in the Equestrian Center located next to the exhibition hall. This 30,000 square foot, 4,400 seat arena is well appointed with 4 -72’ flat screen monitors that face all sides of the arena. The goal is to provide the audience with the largest most dramatic glass sculptures and vessels that the timed sessions will allow. We have invited some of the most renowned hot glass flamework and furnace work artists from around the world to compete. Each team will have 2 ½ hours to produce their works."
Here is the current list of the amazing participants posted on their website. Click through to some of these websites and be awed in what they can do.
Flameworking | ||
1. Bernd Weinmeyer | Austria | www.weinmayer.at |
2. Akihiro Ohkama | Japan | www.glassstudio-hand.com |
3. Milon Townsend | Rochester,NY | www.milontownsend.com |
4. Nathan Purcell | Philadelphia, PA | www.phillyglassworks.com |
5. Bandhu Scott Dunham | Prescott, AZ | www.salusaglassworks.com |
6. Scott Deppe | Bellingham,WA | www.nebulaglass.com/other/9704.htm |
7. Christian Luginger | Austin, TX | flame-one.com |
8. Marc Vandenburg | Detroit, MI | www.marcvandenberg.com/torch.htm |
9. Doni Hatz | Cincinnati, OH | carlisleschoolofglassart.com/WallofFame-DoniHatz.htm |
10.Hans Godo Frabel | Atlanta, GA | www.frabel.com |
11.Loren Stump | Sacramento, CA | www.stumpchuck.com |
12.Brian Kerkvliet | Bellingham, WA | www.inspirationfarm.com |
13. Karl Ittig | Germany | www.glashaus-wertheim.de |
14. Darby Holm | Grant's Pass, OR | dcglass@charter.net |
15. Devin Somerville | Milwaukee, WI | Devin@Somervilleglass.com |
Furnace | ||
1. Buttereaters | Seattle, WA | |
2. Michael Angelo Menconi | Chicago, IL | www.michaelangelomenconi.com |
3. Peter Bowles | Australia | www.glassmanifesto.com/about.php |
4. Einar and Jaimex DeLaTorres | Mexico | www.delatorrebros.com |
I don't know about you, but if there's any way I can be out there to witness this 2.5 hour jaw dropping competition, I'll be there. All those greats working in one place would be worth the trip alone.
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