Monday, April 18, 2016

Feeling Like Spring

Glass Bear with flowers by Marcy Lamberson

It's Spring.  And as I always do, I get a little flower obsessed as my trees and shrubs are blossoming here in Atlanta.  The azalea, dogwood, cherry trees are done and just the rhododendron have lovely blooms.

When I have a lot on my mind, often it translates into glass. So recently, I've been making my glass bears with flowers inside of them.

I've always loved the encased florals (as glass folk call them) and it's a nice challenge to add that technique with sculpture.  We don't usually see that, so it's a little different and a lot of fun to learn.  And honestly, I have a long way to go.  These are nice, but I am working towards "spectacular", which might take a few years.  Lol, I'm not in a rush, but do want to make different kinds of flowers inside of beads.

If you have spare time, I have a 48 hour live auction starting in one of the Facebook private groups, "Limelight" starting tomorrow- Tuesday 9am EDT through 8am EDT on Thursday.  Here is the link if you would like to see what it is all about:   "Limelight "

See you soon!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Glass Spirit Bears, Animals & Other Fun Stuff!

Starting tonight (Monday) through Wednesday evening, I'll have a one person show which is auction format for my beads.  I've been doing this when possible. (next month it's in another group).
If you aren't a member of this buying group, you click on "join" on the righthand side of the page.  When the moderator has time, they will let you into the group. If you have problems, message me and I'll see if I can help.
These are just some of the bears (and an elephant) that will be featured in this 48 hour show.

Hope you can join me.  If not, I will add extra beads to my Etsy shop on Friday after this show and sale is over.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Quick Studio Note: My Vent and Lighting

-Fellow Glass Tribe, this is for you!

I have been asked about my vent system from a few folks and decided that this is easier to just post, so anyone can see it.  I am not a technical person, but I can show you photos and tell you that my electrician did all the work.  I just got the parts and he put it together to make it all work.  This is the back side of my vent hood.  The exhaust goes through the roof. You can also see where the electrician connected everything on the left side.
This is the side view.  You can see the extra ceiling braces we used to keep it steady.  We were concerned it would be too heavy.   
Here is the side closest to me.  I love having my bolted on magnetic bars for my tools. And as you can see, I can use the top part to keep pictures I need close by.
The details:
These are adjustable track lights found at Home Depot.  They are secured inside of the hood.
Here are the switches within arm's reach when I'm at my seat.  One for lighting and the other for the vent.  I thought I might need them separately, and it was a good choice for the way I work.

I have a "split" located behind me. (split- air conditioner and heater combined unit) and it pulls in lots of air, which helps the vent.

Hope that gives you some ideas for your own set up.  The hood and motor were bought from another beadmaker who was getting rid of her set up.  And honestly, I wish it were either a bit stronger fan or closer to my torch.  It still doesn't pull quite as much as I would like, but I am thrilled to have this and all my windows.

Questions... ask in the comments or find me on FB & Instagram: MarcyLamberson, Pinterest & Etsy: StudioMarcy