Yesterday, I had a new customer stop by the house to pick up his custom made dolphin bead pendant. As we were walking towards my studio, he said, "You're just like your beads." Although I've heard similar comments before, they hadn't been stated quite as concretely. I knew what he meant, but he kept talking without me saying anything. He said when he looked at my etsy site, (www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com), he knew that there was a happy person making those beads, because all the beads looked happy. I smiled and told him he was right. And it's funny how life is reflected in one's art.
Most of my days are happy ones and you can tell when the kiln is opened the next morning. There are contemplative days when more neutral colors are used and there are a few sad days, when I either just can't make beads, or they come out drab and lifeless. (Most of those end up in the garbage).
That is how I react to life. I can't speak for other bead artists or anyone else. Perhaps instead of wearing my heart on my sleeve, I show my heart through my glass.
Wishing you a blissful day,