Friday, September 7, 2007

Natural Enemies? They're Both Doing Just Fine.

My computer is currently residing on my kitchen table next to the window, where I've attached a hummingbird feeder. So everyday, while I'm uploading my etsy offerings, or working on the photography, I can see outside.

It made me smile yesterday when I was posting this new kitty to my etsy shop and watching the hummingbird at the same time.
It seems rather special to be 3 feet away from the hummingbird. The kitty, well, I'm always a lot closer than that.

Thought you might enjoy the photo. Nothing like a little nature really up close. Perhaps you'll see StudioMarcy style hummingbird lampwork beads next?



  1. I absolutly love your work on Etsy, especially the fairies!

    Once I have some money, I"ll definetely be making some purchases....

  2. Thanks so much. And I like your fairy folk in your etsy shop too!


Hey, thanks for commenting. Visit my etsy shop, seller name: StudioMarcy