Well, to be honest, it takes a whole lot to make me that way. I just didn't have a bead to illustrate "I'm tired from working so much". Hmm, have to think on that one. If you have any ideas, please post them here.
I've got a couple of shows coming up soon. This friday, I'll be at Atlantic Station here in Atlanta, if you live around here. It's a really cool urban renewal area with great restaurants, lots of shops and of course my beloved IKEA. I'll be in one of the white tents lining the green space between the restaurants from 5-10-ish. Please stop by.
My other show is in Oakland California in early August. You'll be hearing more about that one. It the fabulous annual conference for lampwork artists from all over the world that the International Society of Glass Beadmakers puts on. We call it the Gathering. Well, lots of the beadmakers have a big bead show during the Saturday of the conference and of course, I'll be selling my beads too.
So I'm trying to make beads for the show and keep up with my shop on etsy, http://www.studiomarcy.etsy.com . I'll be posting some of the special beads that I'm making for the show as well as my jewelry that I'm making for Friday night, and I decided to start adding lampwork how to tips also. In other words...I'm back!
take care,