Somedays are just crazy and sometimes it's an entire week. Over at etsy, (www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com) I've been in charge of our weekly thread which gets our Street Team's name out in front of the public. It's a lot of hours each day to do that. And in turn, that cuts into studio time behind the torch and uploading more beads. Whew. Add to that, I kind of...well, "did" back into our ancient garage door and it now needs to be replaced. Well, it needed to be replaced anyhow, but this certainly speeds up the process. Geesh.
But there is lots of good news too. I was accepted to the juried International Society of Glass Beadmaker's show, "Outside the Box" If you are going to Bead and Button, it will be displayed there. Look for the one that looks like a miniature Fairy Land- I don't always have to operate in the real world.
In the middle of all this, I signed up for a new service. It's called Blog Payz, which helps online companies connect with people who blog to write for them. I love to write and this could be fun to do. Blog Payz finds similar interests and it helps increase traffic to the advertisers' sites. Pretty cool. http://www.businesss-forum.com/image.php?u=1 It's kind of a win/win situation for everyone. Check it out.
And finally, I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day. Now that it's over, I'm ready for Spring!
take care,