Monday, March 7, 2011

Red Riding Hood Bead Inspiration

I have an upcoming deadline for my Southern Flames glass group to make a bead to go on our Chapter's postcard.  We have quite a few members, so usually I make something that has a bright color on it to stand out, or is just plain fun to make.

So this year, with all the commercials for the Red Riding Hood movie, I thought a cute little girl might be fun to try.  So I went to and did a search for Red Riding Hood and look what I found.  I love this picture.  It's from a shop called "When Guinea Pigs Fly", which cracks me up.  And this sure is a sweet little painting.

You'll need to wait a bit to see whether I made an animal in the red cloak, or a little girl.  But there is no wait to find what inspired me.  You're looking at it.  (BTW, I did NOT make a guinea pig)

And I'll see you tomorrow with more fun stuff.

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