I have been a believer in psychic abilities for many years, but a few weeks ago, one of my friends invited me to join her in a class for psychic development here in Atlanta.
I had no idea what would be going on, but it was a rare insider's look at what was discussed and actually some of the "business" of being psychic.
To me, it was fascinating and I really enjoyed it.
The leader, Gail, was helping the students bring out their psychic abilities and also preparing them for a fair they would be putting on.
They were doing some role playing for potential scenarios that might come up and practicing how to communicate what they see, by explaining it in the best way.
It was a view from the other chair. Towards the end, I had some very quick tarot readings so the students could practice what they were learning. Both were very well done.
Would I go back? In a heartbeat. Not just for the readings, but for me, part of the fascination was seeing the training so they can be the best possible. Here is a link to their webpage. (yes, that's me in the photo getting my cards read.)
See you on Sunday- don't need a psychic to tell you that.
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